Wednesday, November 04, 2015


Currently Watching - Sassy Go Go

Currently I'm watching this drama call Sassy Go Go, acted by my favourite Jung Eun Ji from Apink, thats why I'm watching this drama.

Its a drama about high school, which Kang Yeon Doo has got in but with poor results.

I'm not gonna really talk about the story of the drama but my views about school and studies about the current generation.

Everytime I watch korean dramas about high schools, there are always a few common problems that happens in school. Friendship, betrayal, school bullying and pressure.

Of course when we're schooling, we'll definitely have friends that will be with us throughout our school life as they are the people whom we see most of the time except our parents. Some may see their classmates more than they see their parents as some of the schools are boarding schools which requires you to stay in the school hostels and only allowed to go home during the weekends.

If you stay in a boarding school, its a sure thing u will develop stronger bonds between classmates as you do everything together, from waking up to attending classes to sleep and its a daily cycle.

And of course there are always alot of different groups of friends in the class.

From experience myself, I am guilty of the kind that always only mix around with the people around me, those that are not around me, some I do not even talk to them during my few years in school, and I'm sure it happens to alot of us also as we do not mix around with the whole class. Those that I do not mix around with, surely also do have a group of their own which consists of their good friends.

But there will always be the odd one or two which are the lone rangers in the class that doesn't mix around and have a hostile attitude. No offence to them, mostly all these are the ones that are always in the top of the class, as they feel that mixing around with people in the class doesn't benefit their school life, which they only know about studying.

But sometimes we do not understand the amount of pressure they are having. It may not be a choice that they want to study this hard and not mix around. Sometimes they may be from a reputable family or their siblings are all highflyers which because of this, they have a very heavy burden on their shoulders.

They have the pressure to stay on top of the class and maintaining that position.

They have enormous pressure from their parents which they must always follow and once they drop position, the punishment given by their parents may be something we are unable to expect. The pressure to always stay at the top.

Some of them their pressure is even higher as they are always the 2nd in position. No matter how hard they do and put in effort, they are always unable to overtake the 1st of the class. The 2nd position surely have the biggest pressure by their parents, teachers and friends as they will always have expectation that one day they will overtake and become the 1st, but they do not know about the pressure they have to face.

So I believe in this generation, kids are having alot more pressure compared to us last time so thats why alot of them becomes keyboard warriors so that they can vent their fustrations online.

Of course I do not agree with all these actions, so I do hope the younger generation should take up more sports so that they can mix with alot of people and have more friends which means more people will lend a listening ear to you when you face problems.