周杰倫日本人氣看漲,在台灣尚未出過精選輯的他,極有可能先於日本發行精選,再引入各種商品,滿足杰迷需求 。
周杰倫唱片發行繞了一大圈又回到SonyBMG,此際他在日本的人氣也節節上揚,日本歌迷會一再向他的唱片 公司喊話,請他到日本開演唱會,而隨著周杰倫主演的電影「頭文字D」9月要在日本上映,他的兩本寫真集譯本 也在日本造成預購熱潮,反而專輯都尚未在日本發行,歌迷都是買進口貨,不過,最近阿爾發已經和日本Sony 方面研商周董日本發展的計畫細節,專輯亦有可能先以精選方式打進日本市場。
目前日本組織最完善的周杰倫後援會,定每個月的18日為「Jay 」日,他們將各種有關周杰倫的聚會、表演燒成光碟,上月底還殺到台灣來參加「頭文字D」首映,並將光碟親自 送到阿爾發唱片公司,接著周杰倫在上海、北京的演唱會,後援會也都輪派杰迷到場,盡量完整記載偶像的大事紀 。
Below In The Same Article But In English.
Jay's reputation is very high is Japan. Even though he has never released a compilation album in Taiwan before, he may release one in Japan first and other merchandises will be available to cater the needs of Jay fans.
After a big round and he is back to SONYBMG and this has made him getting popular. The fan club in Japan has been requesting to the record company to invite him to hold a concert in Japan, as the main actor in INITIAL D which is going to show in Japan in September, his two pictorial books have also caused a pre-sales fever but pity that his albums were never released in Japan and fans bought the imported versions instead.However, Alfa Music and SONYBMG has discussing about his break into the Japan market and a compilation album may be first release in Japan.
Now, the fans in Japan has the most comprehensive club as they have set 18th of every month as Jay day. They will hold various gatherings, performances burned into CDs and last month, they even turned up in Taiwan to participate in the preview of INITIAL D.They even sent the burned CDs to Alfa Music and after this, they will sent fans to follow Jay for his next concerts in Shanghai and Beijing to captured the idol's greatest moments within their capabilities.
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