Tuesday, October 28, 2014


It has been a busy weekend as I'm working at Gamestart Asia 2014 helping the guys out at the Gamescore booth and it was really busy !

Gamestart Asia 2014 is one of the first gaming convention in Singapore which I feel is made from something like the Tokyo Game Show. I was very impressed with the amount of people who came for this convention as it's not a free convention. The tickets cost $8.50 for a day and $15 for both days.

This is the team who is in charge of all the operations and make sure everything is working and going as planned for this world convention. WELL DONE GUYS ! ALL YOUR EFFORTS IS BEING WELL APPRECIATED !

There are companies like Sony, Bandai Namco and Blizzard that participated with this game convention which they showcased their upcoming games and demos which allowed people to visit their booths and have first hand try outs at the new upcoming games.

There are of course other events like Cosplay competition and video game competitions. And of course my favourite event is definitely the Capcom Pro Tour Asia tournament as some of the big name players come to Singapore like MCZ.Daigo Umehara, CCG.Humanbomb, Poongko and AVM.Gamerbee.

And of course being a fan of the game, I''ve took photos with Daigo Umehara and Humanbomb !

Look at how happy I am ! Daigo Umehara is like a legend of fighting games and is named as one of the fighting game gods in Japan.

Humanbomb aka Johnny Cheng is one of my favourite player as he has a very amazing Sakura and of course he is also a Yang player which I main in the game. Sooooo happy to be able to have a photo with him !

And of course working with the peeps is also so fun as we slack together, busy together, joke and chitchat together during anytime possible.

It may be busy but all these are actually times that you will remember as they provide so much fun and laughter !

Look at how busy all of us were during that two days. Working for more den 10hrs everyday is actually physically and mentally draining but of course like what I've said it's also full of fun.

Anyway in my view I find this Game Convention is truly a success and of course I hope that there will be a next time and surely the next time will be an even more successful one !

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