Sunday, January 01, 2017



Time flies so fast, today is already the first day of the year 2017.

2016 has been a good and bad year for me.

One year has so many days and everyday anything can happen, be it good or bad.

What we need to do is to just live through what is being thrown to us everyday and gain experience through solving all the problems.

Everyday we have so many things we have to make decisions, be it what time to wake up, what to have for a meal, what time to sleep, what to do during free time.

Every decision I feel is a step of moving forward in life. Sometimes you may move faster, sometimes you may move slower. But the most important thing is to not stop moving forward.

Sometimes you may feel that the step forward may be a failure step that you may fall, but at least you made that step forward. If you fall from that step, stand up and move forward again as you never know what is lying ahead of that route.

But I feel most people have fear of failing, same like me. We always want to make the step forward, but we are afraid of falling because sometimes once we fall we are unable to stand up anymore. The fall inflicts fear and lost of confidence. Coz when sometimes the confidence shatters, its too hard to recover from it.

I feel everybody needs to have a certain amount of confidence when we do things. Coz when we have confidence, we're able to convince people to trust us in whatever things we do.

But of course careful planning and luck plays a part in everything we do. Everyday in our life we are always planning and predicting what will happen in everything we do. From waking up in the morning until sleeping at night, we are making decisions in every moment.

Like sometimes you will feel like sleeping for 10 more mins before you wake up to start your day, but during that 10mins you will think like " What if I wake up 10mins later and I will be late for work or school ? Will I be able to make it to the busstop ? Will the bus arrive on time ? If the bus doesn't arrive on time will I be able to get a taxi ? "

Everyday every moment there will be so many questions running in your head and you will be making decision for everything you are gonna do with all the planning and all the answers.

Everyday is a step forward, every step forward is a challenge in life.

I hope 2017 has alot challenges for me so that I can gain more experience in life.

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