Tuesday, January 03, 2017


2016 marks the 5th anniversary of our good friend Justin.

5yrs ago Justin he passed away due to a heart problem and ever since I felt I have lost a friend. I may not be very close to him but he was a very nice person. He was a very onz and steady person. Whenever we need a eating kaki, movie kaki or whatever kaki he is always ok with it and no matter how late how far, he is always so willing to send us home even when it is not on the way.

Every year without fail, we will either visit him 1 day before his anniversary or on the day of his anniversary. Usually we will visit one day before his anniversary and quite late at night because due to our work timing, we can only visit him like after 10pm at night which to be honest is kinda creepy even though that place is not say a graveyard or something, but the place is like total darkness so we need to use our phones as light to walk around the place.

Everytime when we visit Justin at his tablet, we will always write a card to tell him how much we miss him and we will sign on the card and stick there. And sometimes we will ask him for some 4D numbers, the process always brings us much fun and laughter. And we know he will approve of our actions and also laugh with us together.

Sometimes I always think of how our life is so precious and fragile. Its like anytime anywhere we will just leave this world.

So I always feel that we should always plan our life in case anything happens to ourself, like buying insurance, letting your loved ones or your good frenz know like your ATM pin number and email passwords so that in case anything happens, they will be able to retrieve information needed.

Like I'm always thinking of how to do all these when I'm still alive and kicking so that if anything happens to me, at least I am not a burden to everybody because the people around me will be able to settle the problems when I'm not around anymore.

People around me always feel that I have a very negative thinking about my life because I'm so full of illness but I just feel that its something that I should do and its my responsibility to get everything ready in case of anything happens and do not impose any trouble to people around me when I'm not around anymore.

Always so much thoughts in my mind, so much planning to do.

Oh well, this is life. Either you trouble people or people trouble you.

Logging off, will blog more this year.

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